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Christmas carols for children
Here and now: a musical based on the Sermon on the Mount
Take back the beat
Labyrinth: Music and meditations at St Paul's cathedral
Blush (UK): Sunshine
The Worship Library, vol 1
Johnny Burns: Praise crazy
Reach up! New songs for 5s-11s, with song words and backing tracks
Pre-school Praise, 4
Mr Cow: the best of Julia Plaut
Story Bag: The parable of the Sower
Basket: Round fisherman's
Basket: round
Sand in plastic box for prayer activity
Small sand tray for prayer activity
Laminated prayer sheets (9) in wallet
Laminated prayer pictures (9) in wallet
African Djembe drums: set of two, one large, one small
African Djembe drums: set of 3
Cajon drum in black case
What does the Bible say about superheroes?
What does the Bible say about His Dark Materials: the Pullman trilogy
What does the Bible say about TV soaps?
Life, actually
Connect2God: instant messages from God to teens
Tiddlywinks: My little purple book: first steps in Bible reading
What's in it for me?
Osmosis: scriptural meditation services for youth groups
What did Jesus do?
Faiths and frontiers: young people in a multicultural society
Tiddlywinks: The big green book
Tiddlywinks: The Big Yellow book
Incense Burner (Thurible)
The good Shepherd Icon
Icons/Images with brass Icon stand
The Big ones
Listen with the Bible
Feast of faith: celebrating the Christian year at home
50 Fun-filled Sundays
Unwrapping Christmas
Boring Bible instant lesson material: The book of Acts
Things to do in young people's worship, book 2
Friends & animals: active learning from the Bible
Boring Bible instant lesson material: New Testament heroes
Christmas: a year-by-year approach
Inspire: fresh ideas for creative youth work
Youthkit Norfolk
An intimate loneliness
Grandma's party