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The Da Vinci code (Dan Brown)
Spirit-shaped youth ministry
Sticky faith: youth worker edition
SUbstance, vol 3: Calling!
SUbstance vol 2: Kingdom?
SUbstance vol 6: Reality check
What does the Bible say about Harry Potter?
What does the Bible say about 'Lord of the Rings'?
Youth Emmaus
Journeys of faith
How to pray
Hands together, eyes closed Book 1
Hands together, eyes closed Book 2
Divine intervention
Creative ideas for quiet corners
Ask, seek, knock
Resourcing Easter
Play and pray through Lent
Worship through the seasons
Our Easter play
My first Bible activity book: Easter Days
A crown for Christ
Colours of Easter
Celebrating the Seder
Along the Lent road
Lectionary story Bible Year C
Creative Ideas for Children's Worship Year C
Creative ideas for alternative sacramental worship, with cd-rom/dvd
I can join in Common worship
Celebrating Grandparents
The 'E' book
The electric bible
Making Disciples in Messy Church
God's word for Messy people
Messy Readings
Messy church 2
Messy Christmas
Messy crafts
Messy Togetherness
Messy Church does science
Seriously Messy
Paint the church green
Thinking biblically about climate change
Children's stories from The Village Shepherd, vol. 1
Discovering churches
Edith Cavell - a forgotten heroine
Journeys through Bible lands
Modern world religions: Sikhism
The baby birds
Truth-Seekers: Thinking about God