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REthinking 13: Adding a global dimension to the teaching of RE
REthinking 14: Teaching worldviews in RE
REthinking 17: Meeting the needs of able, gifted and talented pupils in RE
REthinking 19: We and they - using RE to support community cohesion
Exploring Holy Communion in primary schools
God is closer than you think, dvd
Veggie Tales: Heroes of the Bible Vol 1, dvd
The King is born; The Good Samaritan, DVD
Jonah, a Veggie Tales movie, dvd
Children of God Storybook Bible
Little angels, cd
So, who is God?
REthinking 10: Using drama in RE-making the abstract concrete
REthinking 20: Stardust and stones - RE and learning outside the classroom
Jesus, the man who changed history
On your marks
50 ready-to-use assemblies for primary and secondary schools
Learning by heart
Come alive! The spirited art of Sister Corita
Self-harm: the path to recovery
Getting it across, 2
Easter make & do
Through the year
The Big Bible storybook
The Barnabas book of Bible stories
Champion's challenge
Ultimate craft
Schoolswork playing cards
Cracking Easter, cd-rom
Assemble together
Assembly file:
Starting together
Jesus the storyteller
Special times for infants
Everyone can know
Flippin' praise
Multi-sensory ideas for worship
Creative mission
Unwrapping the seasons: All-age talks for Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Let's talk relationships...
Multi-sensory world
The Book of Ruth, dvd
The Follower, dvd
Easter cracked
Every season kid pleasin' children's sermons
DIY Celebrations
The Christ we share
Noah's Ark giant floor puzzle
All God's children