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Group Work - Youth
So, Why God?
Way to live
Freedom in Christ for young people: Youth guide for 11-14s
Soul tending
SUbstance, vol 1: Creation
What will we do on Friday night?
Yeah and ?
Running Christian groups in secondary schools
Must know stories
What does the Bible say about 'Lord of the Rings'?
What does the Bible say about Harry Potter?
The Jesus Deck
The think tank
Freedom in Christ for young people: Youth guide for 15-18s
Hanging out with Jesus
Z Zones: an "Issues" board game
Body: physical health and well-being activities for young people
What does the Bible say about superheroes?
What does the Bible say about His Dark Materials: the Pullman trilogy
What does the Bible say about TV soaps?
Life, actually
Connect2God: instant messages from God to teens
What's in it for me?
Osmosis: scriptural meditation services for youth groups
What did Jesus do?
Faiths and frontiers: young people in a multicultural society
Multi-sensory scripture
Things to do in young people's worship, book 2
Inspire: fresh ideas for creative youth work
Get a life!
Harry Potter and the Bible: the menace behind the magick
Flexible kid
Letters to Kate
Class 9C and the Genesis time machine
No means no
The chocolate teapot: surviving at school
It's your move! Your guide to moving to secondary school
Shine Girl starter pack
Spirit-shaped youth ministry
Cries from the heart
Taylormation Toolbox teaching pack
Why forgive?
50 worship ideas for small groups
Sharing Jesus
Talking About Self Harm
Rage Despair Hope