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Egyptian table cloth
Cracking Christmas CD Rom
Jewish way of life, cd-rom
Living values
Connecting with RE
The story of the Bible
The story of Christianity
The Student Bible timeline
Someone like Sam
A Jesse tree for Advent
Peace people who changed the world
Home and family
Daily life at the time of Jesus
Photopack: Islam
Journeys through Bible lands
Living in Bible times
A Panorama of the Holy land
"See" RE stories from Christianity
Discovering churches
Tell me about the world's religions
Usborne book of world religions
The Gospels unplugged
Bible timeline
Sikh Gurdwara
Be a church detective
The Tabernacle
Encounter Christianity in the making
35 stories to make you think
Reflective learning
Cracking Church Life CD Rom
A-cross the world
REthinking 9: God, faith and the classroom
REthinking 11: Spirituality: an approach through Christian spiritual traditions
REthinking 13: Adding a global dimension to the teaching of RE
REthinking 14: Teaching worldviews in RE
REthinking 17: Meeting the needs of able, gifted and talented pupils in RE
REthinking 19: We and they - using RE to support community cohesion
Exploring Holy Communion in primary schools
REthinking 10: Using drama in RE-making the abstract concrete
REthinking 20: Stardust and stones - RE and learning outside the classroom
The Big Bible storybook timeline
Jesus, the man who changed history
Cracking Easter, cd-rom
What is the Bible?
The People's Bible
A to Z practical learning strategies to support spiritual and moral development
Picturing Jesus
Cracking Christianity: God CD Rom